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examples of withdraw php-api

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion examples of withdraw php-api

  • This topic has 11 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #6105

    I have been searching and searching for a way to set up just a redeem or withdrawal button.

    I just want to have a page that will have a form of how much they want to withdraw and click withdrawal or redeem, and a page that says thanks

    do you have a php example of how i would set up this Redeem?

    or send me the file that does it now, so i can see how it is done… i just cant wrap my head around this in the docs,


    it can be json api im not that particular but im overwhelmed and need some “visual” example(s) to get this working


    been digging thru this:


    i would use the info here:

    How can I set default withdrawal address

    to set up as a template and do shortcode example [wallets_withdraw template=”toadmin”]


    not knowing knockout.js i do not want to mess anything up.

    what can i delete? im worried about screwing something up if i delet any of this, but it would be a hidden “withdraw address”


    it wonrt let me post the code from


    keeps showing word fence

    so will show in pastebin



    infact i do not need anything but “Amount” and “send” “reset form” and then the confirmation page that normally happens after you withdraw



    Do not attempt to edit the plugin code. To see why, check the FAQ under “I want to do changes to the plugin’s code.” If you wanted to provide alternative knockout templates, you’d use the wallets_views_dir filter to specify another directory on your server where you could copy and modify all the knockout views. However, there is no need to do all this in your case:

    Instead, design your own HTML form in any way you like. Then, make it so that when it is submitted, you use JavaScript to call the JSON API yourself. The JSON API is documented in the accompanying PDF documentation, under APIs -> Wallets JSON API -> Withdraw funds to an external address. To see how the plugin does the calls: https://github.com/dashed-slug/wallets/blob/4.2.0/assets/scripts/wallets-ko.js#L717-L753

    Just make sure to pass the correct fields to the call, and you will get a JSON response indicating success/failure. For the _wpnonce field, just pass the value of wp.wallets.viewModels.wallets.nonces()['do_withdraw']

    Please let me know if you need any help with any of this.

    with regards


    Yes the docs are overwhelming to me and I thought I was just making a new knockout template minus everything but amount and send and reset buttons

    Can u provide a working sample as I tried for like 3 days b4 even posting here. I’m a visual learner when I start going thru docs I just get overwhelmed and lost more . A simple example I can build off would help so much


    It would be hard to achieve what you ask with knockout templates, this is why I suggested using a standard HTML form and some simple JavaScript.

    The JSON API call, using jQuery would be:

    	dataType: 'json',
    	data: {
    		'__wallets_apiversion' : 3
    		'__wallets_action' : 'do_withdraw',
    		'__wallets_withdraw_address' : address,
    		'__wallets_symbol' : symbol,
    		'__wallets_withdraw_amount' : amount,
    		'__wallets_withdraw_comment' : comment,
    		'__wallets_withdraw_extra' : extra,
    		'_wpnonce' : wp.wallets.viewModels.wallets.nonces()['do_withdraw']
    	success: function( response ) {
    		$( form ).trigger( 'wallets_do_withdraw', [
    		] );
    	error: function() {
    		alert( 'Withdrawal not submitted' );

    Just make sure to attach this to whatever button your form has, and pass the variables in from the form.

    Hope this is a bit more clear. The rest is just standard html/javascript.

    with regards


    No matter what i try to do to create this form its is not working

    “wp.wallets.viewModels.wallets.nonces()[‘do_withdraw’]” is tossing up errors


    so frustrating 🙁

    Ajax forms in WordPress are very different

    can you post a working example please? i have spent days trying to get this to work and nothing is working


    Ok so i got this working !!

    for anyone needing similar here is my example PLEASE KEEP IN MIND this was for move but can be changed to Withdrawal very easy

    // ====   Change to your coin symbol  =====
    $symbol ="ODAC";
    // ==================================
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    $user_ID = $current_user->ID;
    //  available to spend in wallet
    $my_balance = apply_filters( 'wallets_api_available_balance', 0, array(
         'symbol' => $symbol,
         'user_id' => $user_ID,
     ) );
    //  we used floor here as we wanted whole Coins  you can just replace "$my_balance"
    echo  'Hello ' . ucfirst($current_user->user_login) . '<br> Your Availabe Balance to transfer is: <br> <strong>' . floor($my_balance). ' ' .$symbol. '</strong><br /><br />';
    <form class="send2bank" action="#" method="get">
        <input id="amount" name="amount" type="text" class="field text medium" value="" maxlength="255" tabindex="1" />
        <input type="submit" id="my_submit" name="my_submit" value="submit"/>
    <!--Javascript goes here -->
    <script type="text/javascript" >
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    	$('.send2bank').on('click', '#my_submit', function(e) {
    		var form = e.delegateTarget;
    		var amount = document.getElementById("amount").value;
    		var user = "Central Bank";
    		var comment = "Exchanged to Bank"
    		var nonce = wp.wallets.viewModels.wallets.nonces()['do_move'];
    		var symbol ="<?php echo $symbol; ?>";
    			alert('its empty: ');
    			} else {
    				if (true) {
    					alert('this is the amount: ' + amount);
    						dataType: 'json',
    						cache: false,
    						data: {
    							'__wallets_apiversion' : 3,
    							'__wallets_action' : 'do_move',
    							'__wallets_move_toaccount' : user,
    							'__wallets_move_amount' : amount,
    							'__wallets_move_comment' : comment,
    							'__wallets_symbol' : symbol,
    							'_wpnonce' : nonce
    						success: function( response ) {
    							$( form ).trigger( 'wallets_do_move', [
    							] );


    for ppl that have issue copying and pasting from the forum


    updated to add some alerts

    1.) only whole numbers in input box
    NOTE: you can take that out just delete this code
    onkeypress="return (event.charCode == 8 || event.charCode == 0 || event.charCode == 13) ? null : event.charCode >= 48 && event.charCode <= 57"
    2.) no copy and paste in input box
    3.) no auto complete in input box


    i will prob add some different alerts and maybe decimals but for now we only want/need whole number transfers

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