dashed-slug.net › Forums › General discussion › "Capabilities" wont Enabled and Stay On..? › Reply To: "Capabilities" wont Enabled and Stay On..?
I just tried again and the same issue.
1) only installed on one (1) website.
2) I do not see any errors.
Plugin version 4.3.3
Git SHA cd192cb2
Web Server Apache
PHP version 7.0.33
WordPress version 5.2.1
MySQL version 10.2.11-MariaDB-log
DB prefix wpyi_
Is multisite false
Is network activated false
PHP max execution time 30
Using external cache false
DB storage engine for ‘wpyi_wallets_txs’ InnoDB
DB storage engine for ‘wpyi_wallets_adds’ InnoDB
Constant ‘WP_DEBUG’ false
Constant ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’ false
Constant ‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’ true
Constant ‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’ n/a
Constant ‘DSWALLETS_FILE’ /home/creat681/public_html/piiggybank.com/wp-content/plugins/wallets/wallets.php
Constant ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’ 40M
PHP.ini ‘memory_limit’ 512M
Cron jobs last ran on Mon, 17 Jun 19 11:13:22 +0000
Cron jobs last runtime (sec) 0
Cron jobs peak memory: 83494424
Cron jobs memory delta: 2704
PHP Extension ‘curl’ Loaded
PHP Extension ‘mbstring’ Loaded
PHP Extension ‘openssl’ Loaded
PHP Extension ‘zlib’ Loaded
Active wallets extensions wallets-cp 1.1.0
Network-active wallets extensions n/a