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Reply To: Version of plugin 4.0 gives error and wp stops working.

dashed-slug.net Forums General discussion Version of plugin 4.0 gives error and wp stops working. Reply To: Version of plugin 4.0 gives error and wp stops working.


Hello Alex,

I dont know if the issue I am facing could be the same commented here. I just realized that the extension stopped working after receiving error messages from the cron task manager. I checked in backend and wallets disappeared from the menu, and when I try to access to it from the installed extensions list, I get “Sorry, you are not alloed to access…”.

I duplicated to another test install site, and I cant find the issue. In this case, I disabled external cron task, letting wp cron enabled.

If I revert to core V 3.9.4, I suppose that I have to revert also the exchnge version, right?

Thank you in advance

Best regards